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How often should I log-in to Google Analytics to see the reports?

I’ve been asked this question countless times:

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Marketers love data

Marketers love data.

We collect, buy & sell data. Data on you.

We use it for showing personalised ads. Or simply targeting ads based on your browsing behavior.

Can we do this ethically and profitably?

In the latest HBR, John, Kim & Barasz suggest this to digital marketers:

✅ Stay away from sensitive information like health condition, sexual orientation & race. If you sell sensitive goods, you may want to avoid targeting altogether. Try to find customers in ways that don’t involve using personal data.

✅ Commit to at least a minimum amount of transparency. Provide information about data-use practices.

✅ Use data judiciously. Don’t use data in an intrusive or inappropriate way.

✅ Justify your data collection. Explain why you collect personal information & how it will generate more useful ads.

✅ Try traditional data collection first. Using stated preferences (surveys) is more transparent than inferring data from online behaviour.

What do you think as marketer? What do you think about this as a consumer and citizen?

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Marketers waste money. And there is a simple reason for this.

I have to talk about this.

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How to measure websites with no clear conversions?

How to measure websites with no clear conversions?

Finding great KPIs is never easy. But if you don’t have any obvious conversions it is even more difficult.

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Never stop testing

“Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.”

(David Ogilvy)

Do you test your advertising, copy, image, media? Do you test your landing pages?

Or do you think you don’t need to test anything because you already know what advertising performs best?

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Marketer! Don’t fool yourself!

Every marketer hates to admit this:

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These skills are critical to your success as web analyst

These skills are critical to your success as web analyst:

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Measuring content marketing with web analytics

Content marketing should deliver results.

But how to measure it with web analytics?

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The Biggest Mistake in Web Analytics

The Biggest Mistake in Web Analytics.

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How not to do web analytics: 11 common mistakes